Principal's message

Pride International School has always been an institution that has taken up the cause of furthering education and propagating knowledge. But at the same time, we focus on the child’s value-system as much as we value academic excellence. More so as we evolve with time, we are constantly adapting global best practices to nurture generations of students who can surpass the expectations of the world in its ever-growing competitive environment. PRIEE seeks to mould intellectually competent, professionally skilled, spiritually evolved, morally upright, socially responsive, and culturally tolerant citizens, through holistic education, for a better society. “The education of a human being should begin at birth and continue throughout his life” – The Mother. “Education for Human Unity” is the core agenda of Integral Education – perceiving education as an unending process, education of the integral personality, perceiving each being as unique, and giving the freedom and opportunity to each person to pursue his or her own path of growth and progress